Monday, May 07, 2007


After hard mornings work on the pastures outside the hotel I got out in the afternoon to do a bit of Butterfly surveying. I managed 13 species in a 2 hours including European and Scarce Swallowtail, Cleopatra and Large Wall Brown.

Scarce Swallowtail

Orange Tip

Large Wall Brown

Small Heath

Wood White

Femal Cirl Bunting

Ooh, and on a completely different, even more pointless note, this is the 100th entry onto thsis blog, yay!


Anonymous said...

Cracking Joe - looks like somewhere I should be having a short break:)) Those orchids look gorgeous think there'll be many more species coming up over the summer?

Joe Cockram said...

hi charlie

yes it is a great place. unfortunately most of the orchids are going over now, and apparently there sonly one other species that we get later in the summer