Sunday, April 27, 2008

We Wuz Robbed

It was all set up nicely for a parade of poms this morning, and then the crappy weather went and spoilt it all. First, a big-off thunderstorm was hanging around offshore for ages and all the seabirds were blatantly passing around the other side of it (which is fair enough really), and then as soon as that moved on, thick sea-mist rolls in for the entire day, reducing visibility to the exact distance of sod-all, rubbish!!

Still, a male Serin was fine compensation as it spent the morning feeding and singing in the Obs Garden and Hut Fields.

These might just qualify as record shots, but i'm not sure if they're even up to that standard.

The first view I had of the bird as it flew over us on the Bill Common, calling loudly

It then gave excellent views through the scope in the hut fields but was far too far away for photography.
And there were way too many people around to try and creep up on it. You can get hanged in public for doing that sort of thing days you know. The Birdforum lynchmob gets everywhere, no-one is safe!!!

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