Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Weasel is weasily recognised:

An inquistive Weasel in the Top Fields was one the highlights of a pretty good morning yesterday. After it ran across the track, we managed to squeak it in for some really good views of this cool little mammal. It was pretty birdy as well, with a good arrival of Grasshopper Warblers ( I heard 10 singing, but only saw 3!!!), Common Redsarts, and the commoner migrants like Willow Warblers and Wheatears.

I had left the scope at home, but there were a few things moving by on the sea, best Whimbrel numbers of the year so far......

and a pair of Tufted Duck, not something we see that often off The Bill

With howling Easterlies this morning, birding on the land was nigh on impossible, so the morning was spent huddled down on The Bill seawatching. Nothing spectacular but a good variety of birds, mainly waders and wildfowl and a fair bit of passerine vis-mig overhead

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