Thursday, August 03, 2017

Peru part 2

From Pumarinri we returned to Tarapoto, and found a car to take us to Moyobamba. Despite having pretty much zero espanol, I managed to persuade the driver to stop at the Quiscurummi Bridge to take a look at the colony of Oilbirds that live in the ravine below. We had fantastic views of these weird owl/nightjar things in the scope, but photography was rather tricky.
At Moyobamba we got a room in a guesthouse near the thermal springs for a couple of nights, and spent most of our time either in the hot springs or at the Waqanki reserve watching their fantastic hummingbird feeders.
Black-throated Mango

Brown Violetear

Grey-breasted Sabrewing

Golden-tailed Sapphire

Long-tailed Hermit

Many-spotted Hummingbird

Paradise Tanager

Purple-throated Euphonia

Rufous-crested Coquette

Rufous-crested Coquette

Rufous-fronted Thornbird

Yellow-tufted Woodpecker

Fork-tailed Woodnymph

Violet-headed Hummingbird

White-chinned Sapphire

White-necked Jacobin


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